Monday, March 28, 2011
Name Craze!!!
Later the man came back down and asked me if he could take a picture of my name tag to send to his wife because they really wanted to have another daughter and give her my name lol. I for real did not know what to think.
Just another crazy day in a hotel I suppose :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The “Last Night Never Happened” app
Just thought this was funny =]
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Special people require special treatment.
Within the last few weeks I have had a series of what I call “special questions.” 2 in particular stick out in my mind.
The first one is a male who stayed here for his nieces wedding. Now keep in mind that our hotel was built with no rooms on the first floor, and that we have businesses on both sides of us.
When he walks in he insists that he has stayed here before, that he needs a room on the ground level, and that it needs a GREAT view. I explain to him the since he is checking in at 10am and our check in time is at 3pm, the only clean rooms we have are on the fourth and fifth floors. I also informed him that our hotel doesn’t have rooms on the first floor. He kind of grunted and said “well what the hell will I be looking at?” I graciously informed him that there were pretty parking lots and buildings.
I’m not sure what hotel he stayed at, but it wasn’t here. I’m also wondering what kind of uncle would want to spend most of his time looking out a hotel window instead of spending time with his family. I’m just sayin.
The second one is also a male who wants to go to the airport.
guy: how long to get to the airport?
me: 45 minutes.
guy: why is that?
me: ... because that's where they built it?
With this guy I wish I could have come up with something wittier to say, but he caught me totally off guard.
People like this intrigue me. Though they make my work life hell they sure make life in general rather interesting.
~as an end note: don’t give your children your cell phones to play with. They will call hotels and try and talk to you.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Help please? :S
It was my very first day on my own at the first hotel I have ever worked at, and a guest came down to the front desk and asked me if I could come to his room and help him with his T.V. I said "Sure but I may not know exactly what I am doing since I just started." The guest was an older well much older gentleman and he was extremely nice. I get to his room expecting to just help him turn the channel and to my surprise the man wanted me to help him order a movie. The movie just so happened to be a porno!
I was slightly mortified but I remained calm and the guest might have seen the look on my face and replied "I just thought I'd try something different." So i was just ignoring that comment figured out how to order the movie, verbally told him and darted out as fast as my legs would move. Oh and something funny to add he was a fire victim and his insurance was paying for everything lol.
Talk about one awkward first day!
No reservation? No worries.
-They have set hours. You can not swim/be in the pool room before it closes or after it opens. That's why there are set hours. They are posted on the door, and we tell you upon check-in.
-Only REGISTERED GUESTS are allowed in the pool. This is because of our insurance policy. No, you can't rent a room for three people and have ten come in and swim and leave. They can't even be in the pool room. At all. They can visit you in the lobby or your room. NOT the POOL.
-We don't rent out the pool, you have to get a room.
-ABSOLUTELY NO food or drink (AND ESPECIALLY NO SMOKING) is allowed in the pool room.
-Children need to have an adult with them, especially those that cannot swim. This is partly to keep the kids in line, but mostly because we have no lifeguard on duty. I watch the front desk, not the pool. YOU are responsible for your child, not me.
-No running. No diving.
I can't even count how many times one or all of these rules have been broken.
(I'll probably elaborate more on certain instances later on.)
Friday, March 18, 2011
Spoiled Housekeeper.
She has stated a few times that the position she REALLY wants is laundry. One problem; we already have a laundry person. So she quit. And then came back, saying she would only come back if she could do laundry (at which point she was told no, take the housekeeping position or move on. Which she did.) Well, she came back, but not without a big chip on her shoulder, which causes her to demean our laundry girl, among other nonsense (like lying to all the housekeepers and managers and just being generally two-faced.)
Tonight, her "rich" hubby decided he was going to treat her to a late late showing of a movie, and Sherri Shoulder-chip (not her real name) decided this meant she could call off for tomorrow. No, honey, sorry. We all have to work our scheduled days, that's why there is a request off sheet. When I told her this she became a little testy and began demanding answers to questions, with quite a bit of attitude. Here's a sampling:
"Are you SURE I have to come in? Because I live 25 minutes away and I want to see this movie." Yes. The manager said so.
"Well, how many rooms will I have?" I don't know, it's hard to say. We may still do walk-ins.
"Well what does it look like now?" I'm really not sure, I never work first shift, I'm not the one that sets up your task sheets.
"Well guess for me." I don't know. I've never set up your guys' lists before. I can't guess because I don't know how that works.
"Fine. When do I come in?" 9:30, the same time as always for weekends.
"Fine. See you tomorrow. Hmph." *click*
Aaaah, Housekeeper's Hell.
Welcome to Hell.
We all live in different towns, working at different hotels.
But we all agree, sometimes working in a hotel is hell!
Follow us on the adventure. =]