Of course I dislike all of these for various reasons (blood and pee for the ick factor, nail polish and grease because it is impossible to get out of our immaculate white sheets and towels, coffee because they could use paper towel, TP, or Kleenix to soak it up), but the one that makes me actually angry sometimes is MAKEUP. And I'm not talking a bit of eyeshadow or blush. I'm talking full on ridiculous ORANGE foundation.

(Aaah, the orange duckface. A very peculiar species indeed.)
It's flustering for two main reasons; first, WHO has skin that color? No one. It's unnatural. Two, WHY would you smear your uggo orange face all over our nice linens?! I remember when my sister and I started wearing makeup. Our towels weren't a light color or even part of a nice set, but our mom all but eviscerated us if we wiped our made-up faces on her towels. Maybe our family is the only one that cares about our towels, but to me it seems like common sense.
These are just a few I found today.
Hand towel.


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